sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014

Social Evolution & History 13/2 - 2014

Social Evolution & History 13/2 2014  
Anthropology, History and Memory in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Memoriam Michel Izard


Anthropology, History, and Memory in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Memoriam Michel Izard
Bondarenko, Dmitri M.; Grätz, T.; Skalník, Peter

The Odyssey of Michel Izard: An Appreciation
Stoller, P.

Changing Environments, Occult Protests, and Social Memories in Sierra Leone
D'Angelo, L.

Political Anthropology of History: The Case of Nanun, Northern Ghana
Skalník, Peter

The Eritrean Festival in the Time-Warp
Arnone, A.

Historical Memory and Intercultural Tolerance: Students' Attitudes to the Colonialism-Born Minorities in Tanzania and Zambia
Bondarenko, Dmitri M.

A Chiefly Succession Dispute in the Mid-Zambezi Valley: Contemporary Challenges and Dynamics
Sicilia, O.

Resistance and Collaboration: Conflicting Memories of the Liberation Struggle (1964–1974) in Northern Mozambique
Santos, A.

Congratulations to Uchitel Publishing House on the 25th Anniversary

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